As your United States Senator, one of my highest priorities is making sure Michiganders receive all of the federal benefits and assistance to which they are entitled. I know these programs can often be complicated and difficult to navigate, which is why my staff and I are here to help.
How Can We Help?
If you are having trouble solving a problem with a federal agency, my office may be able to assist you. My staff have years of experience helping Michiganders navigate federal programs and cutting through red tape. And while we cannot guarantee a particular outcome, we can help you understand what is involved, inquire about the status of your case, and as appropriate, advocate for expedited resolution.
Request Assistance
To get help from a member of my staff, please use the below privacy release form. You are also welcome to call my office at (202) 224-4822. We encourage you to call if you have a time-sensitive issue.
Get a Referral
As a United States Senator, I am not able to intervene on state, local, or legal matters. For these issues, I encourage you to contact the appropriate state agency, elected official, or legal jurisdiction. Below are resources for looking up State of Michigan agencies, your Michigan State Representative, your Michigan State Senator, and legal resources.
- State of Michigan government agencies
- Michigan State Representative
- Michigan State Senator
- Legal resources
If you don’t know who to call, you are welcome to call my office, and my staff can help provide you with the appropriate referral information.